Trump's Revenge on Republicans

In recent days, Trump has not been able to hide his anger towards some of the people who contributed to the Republicans' electoral defeat in 2020. One of these people is Anthony Fauci. A person who repeatedly challenged Trump's policies in the field of health, prevention and dealing with Covid-19 during the Corona pandemic and, according to many analysts, played a significant role in reducing Trump's votes among the gray votes.
US President Donald Trump announced that the security protection of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's former top health official, has been canceled. Referring to Fauci's position, he said, "You can't be under personal protection for the rest of your life because of working for the government."
Trump's statements come at a time when he has also canceled the security protection of Bolton, Pompeo and Brian Hook. Trump has canceled Fauci's protection with the seasoning of mockery. When asked if he would be held responsible if something happened to Fauci, the new US president said: “Fauci has made enough money to hire his own security team. I can give him some very good security guards.”
This is what has led Fauci to hire a private security team after his government security protection was revoked, and of course, he paid a lot of money for it.
Trump’s revenge on Fauci was not an unpredictable or complicated matter! It was clear from the beginning that the former US Health Department official would be the target of his wrath if Trump returned to power. At the same time, some of Trump’s own party members have also criticized him for revoking Fauci’s immunity.
Anthony Fauci was the director of the US National Institute of Infectious Diseases for decades and also advised the White House. He has also contributed to the scientific research of HIV and other immunodeficiency diseases and is one of the editors of the famous Harrison's Internal Medicine book and has more than 1000 scientific articles and papers.
As mentioned, defeat in the 2020 presidential election is not an easy matter for the new US president! At the height of the Corona pandemic, many differences arose between him and the then Donald Trump administration. At that time, Trump criticized him and said that Fauci and other experts "made mistakes" when advising on how to deal with the Corona virus pandemic.
At that time, Trump called Fauci's presence in the US Department of Health and his theses on dealing with the pandemic unfounded. However, Fauci's narrative about Trump's fatal mistakes in dealing with Corona received more attention from American voters than Trump's criticism of him. It seems that following the revocation of his protection by the new US administration, Fauci will soon make more revelations about the coronavirus outbreak and Trump's particular view of the issue.