What is RSS?

The acronym Rich Site Summary means "site summary" or "brief and useful site" and allows you to be aware of the latest news and titles of the site or your favorite blogs, without having to visit them.

The main uses of RSS are the following two: - displaying the latest titles of other websites on your website or vice versa (subscribing new content) - receiving the latest content of your favorite websites using special software (surfing with more efficiency)

Without RSS, you would have to check your favorite sites every day to get their updates. But with this technology, you can see the RSS of several sites together in an RSS aggregator program or (RSS reader) and you can see the titles of the recent posts of the sites without referring to them.

What is RSS Reader? RSS Reader is an electronic RSS reader software. Now there are many software in this field that you can download to read RSS. But recently, Internet browsers have also been equipped with an electronic RSS reading system. Thunderbird and Google Reader can be mentioned among the RSS reader software.

Source: Wikipedia