The world has realized the value of the Resistance discourse

Talal Atrisi stated in an interview with Mizan: "The recent victory of the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance over the Zionist enemy is due to the intrinsic value of the resistance discourse. This discourse is never willing to surrender and be humble in the face of the flow of domination, force, and occupation. Based on this logic, we witnessed the formation of a comprehensive resistance in the region and even the world, whose discursive and operational dimensions will certainly expand in the near future. We are facing a new reality in the Islamic world and the region that we must understand. This truth can only be explained in the courage of the leaders, commanders, and martyred warriors who appeared on the scene with all their belief in the resistance."
The Lebanese analyst added: "The crisis that the enemies of the resistance are facing today has not only manifested itself on the military battlefield, but also on the battlefield of combined warfare and cognitive warfare."