Zionist media's narrative of Israel's defeat in Gaza

The Israeli media clearly sees the regime as having failed to achieve its war goals, especially regarding the destruction of Hamas, its operational capacity, and the movement's popularity.
The Zionist news site "i24NEWS" wrote that the Zionist regime failed to achieve its goals in Gaza.
The Zionist media reported: Hamas did not allow Israel to gain a foothold in Gaza, and this movement continues to govern the Gaza Strip; therefore, Israel did not achieve its war goals and the reality in the region did not change.
Yossi Yehoshua, a military analyst for the Zionist newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, also wrote: After 15 months of war, Netanyahu was defeated politically and militarily, and Herzliya Halevi, the chief of the army's joint staff, was defeated militarily. Victory over Hamas was not achieved, and both the political and military levels were defeated.
Hillel Beitun Rozin, an Israeli military reporter for Channel 14 of the Zionist regime's television, also reported, quoting a senior officer in the Zionist regime's southern front command: Everything we did in the war was lost with the signing of the ceasefire agreement.
Israeli analyst Alon Mizrahi wrote in this connection: Hamas not only won over Israel, but over the entire West; Hamas was able to hold Israeli prisoners and remained resilient in its confrontation with Israel; now this movement has become a cultural myth for future generations.
Ben Kaspit, a prominent Israeli journalist, wrote in the Ma'ariv newspaper, referring to the lies of Netanyahu and his spokesmen to deceive public opinion inside Israel: They (members of Netanyahu's cabinet) claimed that they had achieved a real victory in the Philadelphia Axis and that Hamas had surrendered, while the details of the agreement showed that Hamas did not retreat and that it was Israel that had to vacate this axis on the 42nd day of the agreement.
Israeli media also reported, quoting Oded Eilim, a former head of the Mossad's operations department: We must honestly admit that we did not achieve the main goal of the war, which is to overcome Hamas' military capabilities; it is true that we had some achievements, but they were partial, and we should not give ourselves the illusion that we had succeeded; moreover, the majority of Gazans still support Hamas.
Israeli analyst Tzivi Yehezkeli also wrote: Hamas succeeded in preventing Israel from taking control of Gaza; The feat of the agreement is not in the release of prisoners, but in the quality of the steps taken from the second day of the agreement, because Israel failed to achieve the goals of the war and did not change the reality of the scene.