Head of Judiciary: Events in Los Angeles cannot be compared to Gaza

Mohseni Ejei, speaking at the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary today (January 14), stated: " The issue of fuel smuggling is also on the agenda; we must admit that we have not had much success in combating this issue over the years. The fact that it is constantly being raised that 15 to 20 million liters of fuel are smuggled daily is due to this issue. Therefore, the judiciary, in accordance with its inherent duties, has focused on this issue. in this regard, we have ordered the judicial authorities of Hormozgan province and several other provinces to focus on the issue of fuel smuggling in a radical, comprehensive, and specialized manner.
The head of the judiciary also said in another part of his speech at today's meeting, referring to the continuation of the Zionist barbaric crimes in Gaza and other parts of Palestine and Lebanon, as well as the crimes that occurred in Syria: Today, people all over the world, especially in Western countries whose governments support the criminal Zionist regime, have risen up and are demonstrating every day against the crimes of the Zionist regime, the support of Western countries, and the silence of international organizations towards these crimes. In the United States, which is caught in a widespread fire, people are demonstrating and saying why our taxes should be spent on bombs that are cruelly falling on women, children, and the sick in Gaza! Today, people who have been displaced from their homes due to the blazing fire in the US state of California, understand a little of the suffering of the people of Gaza and understand what it means for a city to burn and become ashes; of course, there is a great difference between them. The people of California only lost their homes, but many tragedies occurred and are still occurring in Gaza, and people are not only losing their homes but also their loved ones; this case in California, America, is a lesson; may they learn a lesson!